What to expect from an exterior and garage termite inspection

Hey guys, today I wanna talk about exterior and garage inspections. When I'm getting in to inspect your garage, I'm gonna wanna try to see as much of the stem wall as I can, I'm also gonna wanna try to pop a ladder up and look into the attic space up there. I'm gonna be looking for pellets up there.

It's really important that I see the stem wall so I can see if you have any subterranean termite tubes or anything like that. Another area I'm gonna wanna see is behind the washer and dryer, if that's in the garage, that's a very common area for subterranean termites to come up, because there is moisture in that area.

When I'm looking around the outside, I'm gonna be poking the eaves, I'm gonna be looking for termite damage, and also dry rot. So I am gonna be tapping on the eaves in the corner.

You will be hearing some noises if you are at home. I'm also gonna be looking around the foundation of the home. I'll be lookin' for any conducive conditions.

A conducive condition is basically something that could cause dry rot or that would attract termites to the home, so I'm gonna be lookin' for all that around the outside. I'll be lookin' for stucco cracks around the windows, anything like that. That's an area where we could get some moisture in and that could cause a problem.

If you have any questions about termite inspections or any other pests, you can call or text my cell at 619-843-3700, and thanks for watching.

Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dannyyourtermiteguy/

Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DanielDahlLPC/

Termite Inspections, what to expect on the interior

Today, I wanna talk a little bit about what to expect when you're getting a termite inspection on your home, specific to the interior.

When I get there, what I'm gonna wanna do is I'm gonna wanna walk around your home. I'm gonna be checking the baseboards. I'm gonna be checking the window sills. I'm gonna also be looking underneath the sinks for any water damage or water staining. Next to the dishwasher, I'm gonna wanna see, and then also when I'm getting into your attic, if that's in a closet where you have, you know, nice clothes or belongings, I would want you guys to kinda move those out of the way if you could, or what we could do is get a sheet and kinda protect your belongings. When I open up the attic, there's gonna be debris that falls out of that attic most of the time, and we don't wanna get that on your stuff. If you have any questions about interior termite inspections or termite inspections, you can call my cell at 619-843-3700. Thank you.

Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dannyyourtermiteguy/

Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DanielDahlLPC/

When to get a Termite Inspection?

Hey, guys, today I wanna talk a little bit about when to get a termite inspection. So if you're living in a home, you haven't had an inspection for two years, that would be a good time to get an inspection, see what's going on in the home.

If you're seeing anything out of the ordinary that you don't know what's going on, that's another good time to get an inspection. Obviously, if you're buying or selling a home, you wanna get that inspection so you know what's going on. So when you're in the transaction, on the transaction side of it, you know exactly what to expect when you're buying or selling the home.

If you have any questions about termite inspections, you can give me a call or text, 619-843-3700. Thanks for watching.

Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dannyyourtermiteguy/

Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DanielDahlLPC/

Dry Rot, what is it? And what you can do about it.

Hey, guys, this is Danny, your termite guy with Lloyd Pest Control and we're back with another tip of the week. I wanna talk a little bit about dry rot, or fungus, you're gonna be seeing this on your termite report. What is it? So what it is is it's a plant that actually lives in the wood, if ever moisture's introduced, and basically what this does is it breaks down the wood, creating dry rot.

There are different kinds of dry rot. So what you're gonna see on your home is, if you have a roofline and there's a piece of board that's sandwiched up against and maybe the gutter's not draining properly, you're gonna have, eventually you're gonna get some dry rot in there. And with dry rot, you can't really be Bondoing that stuff. In certain instances you can, if the moisture condition is corrected, but typically you're gonna wanna be changing out these items.

The thing with dry rot is if it goes below 20% moisture, the fungus will go dormant, but if it's ever introduced to moisture again, it will be active again. So these are reasons why you don't wanna be having somebody Bondo these areas up or patch them with a wood filler. If you can, you wanna get these things changed out.

If you have any questions about dry rot, termites, or any other pests, you can call or text my cell at 619-843-3700, thanks for watching.

Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dannyyourtermiteguy/

Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DanielDahlLPC/

Bug Talk: Ants

Guys, in this episode, I talk with Efrain Velasco, Lloyd Pest Control's Board Certified Entomologist, and Technical Director, about Ants. What can you do about them? And things to watch out for as they come after the rains.

Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dannyyourtermiteguy/

Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DanielDahlLPC/

Bug Talk: Crickets

This week I'm once again joined by Efrain Velasco, Board Certified Entomologist and Technical Director of Lloyd Pest Control, and we talk about #crickets. Tune in to learn what you can do to prevent them in your home.

Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dannyyourtermiteguy/

Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DanielDahlLPC/

Bug Talk: Silverfish

This week we sit down with Efrain Velasco, Board Certified Entomologist & Technical Director for Lloyd Pest Control, and talk about silverfish. It's this time of year where I get calls and questions about them. Tune in as we get some great advice on how to prevent silverfish in our homes.

Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dannyyourtermiteguy/

Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DanielDahlLPC/

Bug Talk: Bed Bugs

I sat down with Efrain Velasco, our Board Certified Entomologist and Technical director for Lloyd Pest Control, and talk about bedbugs. He gave some great tips to prevent you from taking them home while traveling.

Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dannyyourtermiteguy/

Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DanielDahlLPC/

Trim & Siding can be a source of problems

Walk around your home and make sure that the gaps between trim and siding are properly sealed, otherwise, moisture is going to run off into those gaps and cause moisture issues for you in the future. Any questions or topics you wish me to cover? Just leave it in the comments, thank you!

Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dannyyourtermiteguy/

Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DanielDahlLPC/

Faulty Grade, and how to fix it

Having dirt that's graded towards your house can trap moisture right up against your foundation. I see this all the time. Walk around your home and grade that away from your foundation to protect your home. If you have any questions just give me a call, or if you want me to cover any other topics please leave it in the comments, thank you!

Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dannyyourtermiteguy/

Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DanielDahlLPC/

Buying or Selling a home? Understanding WDO reports

Buying or selling a home? You may already have one, or will get whats called a Wood Destroying Organism report, or WDO report.

I just want to take the time and explain what the difference is between Section 1 and Section 2 of that report. A Section 1 item will be any active infestation of dry rot or fungus, and a Section 2 item will be any conducive condition that can lead to a Section 1 item. So that's going to be your water stains, your earth to wood contact, your faulty grade, anything like that.

If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment or contact me directly! Thank you!