What to expect from an exterior and garage termite inspection

Hey guys, today I wanna talk about exterior and garage inspections. When I'm getting in to inspect your garage, I'm gonna wanna try to see as much of the stem wall as I can, I'm also gonna wanna try to pop a ladder up and look into the attic space up there. I'm gonna be looking for pellets up there.

It's really important that I see the stem wall so I can see if you have any subterranean termite tubes or anything like that. Another area I'm gonna wanna see is behind the washer and dryer, if that's in the garage, that's a very common area for subterranean termites to come up, because there is moisture in that area.

When I'm looking around the outside, I'm gonna be poking the eaves, I'm gonna be looking for termite damage, and also dry rot. So I am gonna be tapping on the eaves in the corner.

You will be hearing some noises if you are at home. I'm also gonna be looking around the foundation of the home. I'll be lookin' for any conducive conditions.

A conducive condition is basically something that could cause dry rot or that would attract termites to the home, so I'm gonna be lookin' for all that around the outside. I'll be lookin' for stucco cracks around the windows, anything like that. That's an area where we could get some moisture in and that could cause a problem.

If you have any questions about termite inspections or any other pests, you can call or text my cell at 619-843-3700, and thanks for watching.

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