Termite Inspections, what to expect on the interior

Today, I wanna talk a little bit about what to expect when you're getting a termite inspection on your home, specific to the interior.

When I get there, what I'm gonna wanna do is I'm gonna wanna walk around your home. I'm gonna be checking the baseboards. I'm gonna be checking the window sills. I'm gonna also be looking underneath the sinks for any water damage or water staining. Next to the dishwasher, I'm gonna wanna see, and then also when I'm getting into your attic, if that's in a closet where you have, you know, nice clothes or belongings, I would want you guys to kinda move those out of the way if you could, or what we could do is get a sheet and kinda protect your belongings. When I open up the attic, there's gonna be debris that falls out of that attic most of the time, and we don't wanna get that on your stuff. If you have any questions about interior termite inspections or termite inspections, you can call my cell at 619-843-3700. Thank you.

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